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'I would rather vote for Alai than Martha Karua!' Andrew Kibe declares

Andrew Kibe shocked many Kenyans with his controversial political preference

 • Andrew Kibe caused a big hullabaloo online after he said he would rather vote for people like Cyprian Nyakundi than Martha Karua.

• Andrew Kibe has gained a large following online and he is fast becoming a 'thought leader'. 

in a file photo
Andrew Kibe in a file photo
Image: Instagram

Yesterday evening, Andrew Kibe caused a social media storm after saying that he would rather vote for Mike Sonko and Robert Alai than Martha Karua.

The content creator made his highly controversial remarks during his live stream on his popular YouTube channel.

He started by saying, “When I saw Raila picking a woman, I decided that I would not support him."

Adding, “Even other women tell you that they don’t want a fellow lady to lead them.” 

at a past event
Martha Karua at a past event
Image: The-Star

And he wasn't yet done. The former NRG and Kiss100 radio presenter went on to opine that a woman gets mad when someone tells her the truth.

But that still wasn't the most scandalous part of his monologue! Kibe said that he would rather vote for deposed Nairobi governor Mike Sonko than Kenya's first potential deputy president.

"I would take Sonko, or even Robert Alai, or even Cyprian Nyakundi!" he stressed.

His comments have made him one of the top trends on Twitter with leaving many Kenyans divided.

Subaicon1 So who is Andrew Kibe in the first place his opinion doesn't matter because he's not even legible to be called a man. 

Salim Akudo  Ni haki yake kumsusa. Wengine wengi kwa hiyari yao, bila shuruti lolote lile, wanampenda sana Martha Karua.

The funny thing is that Kibe had a contrasting opinion on Martha running for high office, even urging her to do so just two years ago.

"Imagine walking out on Moi when he was still Baba na Mama? Even thinking ill of the president at the time was considered a crime. We learnt new words like 'seditious material' n stuff. She walked out fam!!!! On Moi!!! That was fakn epic. @MarthaKarua go for it kwani nini," his September 18th, 2020 tweet read.

Andrew Kibe's screenshot
Image: Twitter

So what has made him change his opinion since then? Is it that his content is now geared to a predominantly male demographic?

Only he knows...

'I would rather vote for Alai than Martha Karua!' Andrew Kibe declares Reviewed by KANAIRO MOJA on May 26, 2022 Rating: 5
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