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MUST READ : Things Every Woman Should Know About INTIMACY


Yeah you have been doing it for years now, and think that you have mastered the art of lovemaking. You think you are the s3x goddess who needs no more s3x guidance or tips on how to do ‘it’ better. ‘It’ comes naturally to you. But what if we told you that there are so many things you still don’t know about s*x? Here are some must-know s3xfacts every woman, including you, should know.

You have a position:
Every woman has a s*x position that makes sure she climaxes. Make sure you find out which one is yours. Try every position in the book until you find the one. Then orgasms will be a breeze and oh-so-good.
That position might change:
With age, childbirth and various other biological changes, the position that makes you climax every single time might change. So if your go-to s*x position has stopped giving that same climactic result, it’s time to go on a s*xperimental marathon again. 
You have to have it to want it:
The more you do it, the more you want to do it. It’s a reality. While making love, you make memories and well, such perfect ones, so you want to do it more and more. So if you’re losing interest in s*x, keep at it. Things are bound to get better.
Self-help is just as important:
You don’t need to help yourself only when there is an ongoing dry spell. Masturbating results in orgasms and makes you feel better about yourself.  So the next time you want a sure-shot orgasm, self help is the way
It’s okay to choose sleep over s*x:
wanting to not have s*x and sleep instead is completely fine. It’s not that your libido is sleeping too.  You are just too tired or not in the mood. Don’t take it to heart and don’t even think about it.
Love is not meant to be painful:
Experiencing pain the first time you make love is okay, but if intercourse is painful later, this it is not normal. Discuss it with your partner and visit a gynecologist to rule out any problem.
S*x gets better with age:
Either that, or with a lot of practice. You might think that this is your prime and s*x will never be better. But it’s not true. It is bound to get better as you grow older. Just celebrate some more birthdays and you’ll find out.
Always choose safety:
After making intense love, all you want to do is cuddle up and sleep,  but make sure you hit the loo before drifting off into dream world. It will make sure that you don’t contract a urinary tract infection.
MUST READ : Things Every Woman Should Know About INTIMACY Reviewed by KANAIRO MOJA on May 26, 2022 Rating: 5
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