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I'm not pregnant - Nandy addresses rumors


Bongo singer Nandy is not pregnant as alleged in local media

•Nandy and Bill Nas are set to walk down the aisle very soon

•The two were in Turkey shopping for wedding clothes

Nandy on Tuesday May 24th addressed rumors on being pregnant and a forthcoming marriage to fianceee Bill Nas.

She first announced she is a brand ambassador for a cosmetic brand "like three months ago they approached me and I told them before I endorse their product i need o use them 3 months. Just to see how they respond to me. And now ladies and gentlemen I can assure you this cosmetic works. I can confidently tell you that my skin has changed sine using this product."

Is she getting married to Bill Nas?

Nandy and Bill Nas were in Turkey recently and showed off the wedding gown and tuxedo they would be wearing. Fans were excited about heir shopping. Nandy in the Press briefing told that shopping as not the only agenda for flying to Turkey.

"tumemenda kwasababu ya biashara and we thought it's not a bad idea to shop for our wedding clothes while we are in this country for our special day"

Will her wedding be a secret affair the way her dowry ceremony was?

Nandy shook her head saying "No No"

adding "Those ones who are invited will see us wed They know when the date of the wedding is but it is"

"being pregnant is a good thing for any woman its something that nay woman wants, If I am pregnant I don't think I would hide it or if I was pregnant you would have seen my stomach. And I have been in public so how could I be hiding a pregnancy. So if I am you will see it. Its a blessing to get regnant, its not a small thing and if God sees it fit to bless me then so be it"

I'm not pregnant - Nandy addresses rumors Reviewed by KANAIRO MOJA on May 26, 2022 Rating: 5
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